



1项目概况 Project overview


This project is located in Nanchang city of Jiangxi province in the gan to poyang lake. With water as the carrier, form the vertical farm circulating. The gan river basin of Nanchang section for the main flow docking stations to the case. At the same time to undertake the development of Nanchang "one river two" pattern, became the new and old "ecological ties".


1.1用地历史背景 Land use historical background

1.1.1南昌 Nanchang


Nanchang referred to as "hong", also called HongCheng, meaning "south prosperity, the great southern xinjiang", since ancient times have "wu chu tail, Guangdong, Fujian family court", was the only one with the Yangtze river delta, pearl river delta and mindong the southern district of the capital city of adjacent. It governs four county five area, two national development zones and a red valley beach district, is in Jiangxi province politics, economy, culture, transportation, science and technology center.

(一)历史与地理 History and geography

南昌地处江西的中部偏北,赣江抚河穿城而过,东面濒临鄱阳湖,总面积7402平方公里。南昌具有2200多年得历史,是一座国家历史文化名城;同时南昌也是军旗升起的地方,又是革命英雄城。南昌市地理位置优越,气候为亚热带季风湿润气候,南昌市西接九岭山脉,东南属赣中南山地丘陵,土地面积 7402.36平方公里,全境山、丘、岗、平原相间。通过近几年的不懈努力,南昌“历史文化名城、山水绿色都城、现代动感新城”三张城市名片日益唱响,南昌正在由内陆型城市向开放型城市、由消费型城市向产业型城市、由传统型城市向现代型城市转变。

Nanchang is located in the central north of jiangxi province and gan river through the city and the east near poyang lake, with a total area of 7402 square kilometers. Nanchang has more than 2200 years history, is a national famous historical and cultural city; Nanchang is also where military flag raised at the same time, is a revolution. Nanchang geographical position is superior, the climate is humid subtropical monsoon climate,Nanchang nine ridge mountains in the west, southeast of Jiangxi zhongnan mountain hills, the land area of 7402.36 square kilometers, across mountains, hills, plains, hills, and white. Through the unremitting efforts of recent years, Nanchang "historical and cultural city, landscape green city, modern dynamic new town" three urban business card made increasingly, Nanchang is by a continental city to open cities, from a consumer city to industry, from traditional to modern cities.

(二)自然环境 The natural environment

南昌气候湿润温和,属亚热带季风区,雨量充沛,四季分明,春秋季短,冬夏季长。年平均气温18.3摄氏度,年平均相对湿度为72%,适合植物、花卉生长,是营造“生态城市”的理想地区。全市森林覆盖率为17%。常见树种为松、杉、樟等。以鄱阳湖为中心散布着军山湖、金溪湖、青岚湖、瑶湖等大小数百个湖泊,市区东北有艾溪湖、青山湖和贤士湖;城区有东、西、南、北四个风景湖。气候湿润温和、雨量充沛、日照充足, 无霜期长、冰冻期短。一年中,夏冬季长、春秋季短,冬冷夏热、秋爽春寒,春夏多雨、秋冬干燥。

Nanchang’s climate is humid temperate and rainfall. Annual average temperature of 18.3 degrees Celsius, annual average relative humidity is 72%, suitable for growth of plants, flowers, and is an ideal area to build the "ecological city". The city's forest coverage rate of 17%. Common tree such as pine, fir, camphor. Centered on poyang lake dotted with junshan lake, gold XiHu, QingLan, YaoHu, such as size of hundreds of lakes, lake city northeast have XiHu, QingShanHu and lake wise men; City east, west, south and north four scenic lake. Mild climate humid, rainfall, sunshine, frost-free period is long, short freeze-up. In a year, summer is short and long,spring and summer are rainy and autumn and winter are dry.

(三)人文环境 Human environment

建城2200多年,素有“物华天宝、人杰地灵”之美誉。南昌成为“军旗升起的地方”,“英雄城”彪炳史册而驰名天下。古老的名胜交融于奇妙的自然风光之中,秀丽的山水装点着江南文化古城的独特风貌,构成南昌特有的旅游资源。南昌市东有京东、瑶湖水上娱乐区,南有青云谱“八大山人”纪念馆文化游览区,西有梅岭、梦山度假、宗教旅游区,北有鄱阳湖、南矶山、象山候鸟观赏区。名列江南三大名楼之首的“滕王阁”耸立在赣江之滨,再现“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的壮丽景观 。1992年国务院批准南昌为内陆重点开放城市,享受同沿海特区同等的优惠政策,南昌城市建设迅速,基础设施完善,交通发达,铁路有浙赣、皖赣、向九、向乐、京九、向莆以及沪昆高铁等,公路有105、320、316等三条国道在南昌交汇,水运有赣江与长江相连,空运有昌北国际机场,开通多条国际航线,是南昌成为综合交通枢纽。

Founded more than 2200 years, known as "full, here". Nanchang become "military flag rising place", "a" filled history and famous all over the world. Ancient places of blend in the wonderful natural scenery, beautiful scenery was decorated with the unique style of the ancient city of jiangnan culture, constitute the nanchang unique tourism resources. Nanchang city east jingdong, YaoHu aquatic entertainment district, the south has qingyun spectrum "eight big mountain man" the heart of the memorial culture, religious MeiLing, dream vacation mountain, west tourist area, north poyang lake, southern rocky mountain, xiangshan migratory birds viewing area. "Tengwang pavilion, the first three famous towers in jiangnan," stand on the shore of the gan river, reappearance "sunset and solitary seek fly together, colchicine and sky flavor". In 1992 the state council approved the nanchang for inland key open city, enjoy the same preferential policies as coastal zones, nanchang rapid urban construction, infrastructure, traffic developed, railway has ningbo, WanGan, to nine, to joy, jingjiu, to achieving and shanghai-kunming high-speed highway, 105 national highway, 320, 316, three in nanchang, are connected to the Yangtze river water transportation has the gan, the air has a prosperous north international airport, more international air routes, nanchang is become a comprehensive transportation hub.



